
How To Convert Likes Into Leads? Complete Guidelines

Social media is playing a vast role in changing the world. Whether it is used in the field of education, engineering, information technology, or business, it’s now running in the nerves of each and every individual.

According to the stats, there are approx 4.89 billion social media users and they are likely to grow by huge numbers and reach nearly 6 billion in the coming 4 to 5 years.

Similarly, social media is effectively used by digital marketers to promote their products and market their businesses. From small to large enterprises, all of them utilize social media. According to Statista, in 2021, 91.9 percent of digital marketers were already using social media for numerous purposes.

Are you also looking to promote your business on social media and don’t know what to do? Well then, in this article, you will get to know how you can use social media as a trend mapper, idea generator and strategic compass for your business.

Social media is one of the best places to promote business, bring in traffic to your website, and connect with the leads.

Here are some tips you must ponder if you’re converting social media followers into leads.

1: Plan and Post Consistently

It takes a lot of hard work to post content daily. But planning and posting material daily can build up your followers’ interest in your content. Every post does not require an advertisement about selling products. It can be a funny post related to your product, reviews, catchy lines about the most sold product or how your product is packed. You can post twice a day or maybe 7 days a week. If you think this is too much, then opt for posting days a week.

As per the reports shared by UK assignment writing service, it is best to post at least 2 to 3 times a day. However, it also depends upon the size of your business. A medium-sized business can exceed this limit.

Let people trust you through your marketing posts. Once they have trust in your gain, it will be easy for you to sell the products or to promote your business by taking followers’ help.

2: Boost Your Brand’s Profile

If you want to generate many leads to your profile, you must ensure that your social media page is with respect to business branding to showcase who you are, what you do and how customers can get in touch with you. Your page should clearly state what your brand is about and provide customers with a direct link to reach your website, get in touch with you, shop and register for any essential newsletter, deals or brand resources. 

3: Convince With Incentives

Incentives and offers are the best ways to support lead generation development. A tailored incentive will persuade prospects to give you the information in return for an offer or trial. In other words, you’re encouraging them to keep interacting with your brands. Popular business incentives include; contests, discount vouchers, articles or webinars.

4: Create Clickable Content

People on social media just need attention, and the best way to get their attention on your product is to add a link which can direct them to the website.

If your goal is to generate leads, you should rely on your creative skills. You should try to catch up on every possible opportunity. Make sure that each post has a reasonable connection and an attractive source of inspiration.

5: Collaboration With Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers have taken great control over the media, and they are known to help out brands to reach their full potential. More and more brands now have online ads with social media influencers’ content. This idea can be fruitful because influencers have targeted an audience, and when they post that the audience likes and has a positive rise in promoting a brand or business.

6: Acknowledge Your Fans

For whom did you develop the brand? I assume it’s for your audience. As a result, you must give them top priority and repay some of the favors they have given you. You must give back to your audience in order to continue growing your brand and increasing sales.

A brand owner can reward their customers in a variety of ways, such as offering discounts, exclusive deals, unique events, low-cost new launches, and so on. The goal is to make a difference in each audience member who is related to you. Personalize the reach, and your audience will pay extra attention to you. To keep your audience interested, introduce follow Mondays, a fan of the week, and other things.

7: Use Social Lead ads

When you want to give rise to your brand, go for social media lead ads. You can use Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. 

  • Facebook Lead ads

Facebook offers special lead ads for marketers. These are actually lead ads promoting forms which help the brands or businesses to promote their business and get followers. You can download Facebook pixel on your website. This can make it easier to track leads and measure how much it costs. 

  • Instagram Lead ads

Just like Facebook, Instagram also offers marketers to promote their business via Instagram Lead ads. It also offers forms which ask for basic information about the customers.

  • Linkedin Lead ads

Lead Gen Forms are an exclusive ad format provided by LinkedIn for lead generation. These advertisements are now accessible on the platform as Message Ads and Sponsored InMail. LinkedIn uses profile information to pre-fill areas, just like Facebook and Instagram.

  • YouTube Lead ads

YouTube Lead ads are specially designed to help advertisers catch up with a specific action, including generating ads. These advertisements have large call-to-action buttons that can lead to any website you want. To create these adverts, simply choose “Leads” as your objective.

8: Personalize Your Offer

Choosing the targeted audience for your product is better than ghosting all. Personalization can do a lot for you when it comes to social media marketing. The most obvious benefit of this is that personalized material will succeed much more often than generic information that is meant for everyone. Personalizing the offers improves the experience of customers and helps you maintain consistency and cohesion on all channels. It leads to a stronger brand and improves customer loyalty which ultimately results in increased revenue.

9: Let Your Audience Know

If you want your audience to do something, then let your audience know what your plans are. You do not need to be direct with your words like “download this” or “sign up here”; you can have creative ways of getting your audience’s attention. Choosing words with care can have a great effect on grabbing the attention of your audience. 

Instead of saying, “download this”, you might try saying, “Do you want to learn more about it? If yes, click here!”

It will also help you to convert the audience into long-term customers. So start working on this strategy to know your audience well and begin reaching the people who matter to you a lot and help you to get your business to succeed.

10: Remarketing Strategy

Social media is a bucket of likes, comments, reviews, followers and scrolling. This means that your posts appear to others and vanish in a blink of an eye. Remarketing is a good way of giving people a chance to buy something. Marketing on Facebook is a source of getting higher engagement rates and revenue. You can download Facebook pixel for marketing or attach a link to a direct website to your live video, which can help the viewers in buying.

11|: Analyze Your Data

Collecting social media leads requires analyzing the data as well. You can set up Google Analytics which can help you track leads on your website. This will help you to monitor which social media handle is the best for your business. 

Examine your Twitter data, Facebook Insights, and Google Analytics. Make that knowledge useful by modifying your content strategy, your product positioning, the length of your postings, the timeliness, and other factors.

While Summing Up…

Depending on the brand or business, social media can be easy or difficult. It has a very strong grip on the buying and selling of products as most people are on social media handles. It can make your brand popular only if you have those leads which support you and your new business or brand.

Consider how your website’s design and general functionality will affect your visitors at all times. Don’t think you’re ready to go because something appears nice on your desktop. Be sure to examine how your website appears on mobile before making any changes and pushing them live.

With this insight, you can help yourself to reach your target, attract new clients and grow your business. 

Author Bio

Melissa Calvert is currently working as a content writer at Crowd Writer, where students order dissertation online. She is a certified digital marketer and has looked after numerous marketing campaigns. Melissa likes to travel and enjoys her leisure time playing guitar and reading books. She loves trying new recipes in the kitchen.

Christopher Helman

Christopher Helman is a top-quality technology, business, and game niche writer and currently working with forbestechnews as a full-time content writer.

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